Stage-Specific Polypeptides in the Developing Mouse Brain as Demonstrated by Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis

Protein alterations during the development of the mouse brain were studied by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. A protein spot with a molecular weight (MW) of 68,000 and pI value of 5.6 was found in the brain of the 11th day of gestation. Between the 12th and the 14th day of gestation, spots with the same MW and lower pI values appeared progressively. Neuraminidase digestion converted the pI of these acidic spots to 5.6. Thus, increased sialylation appeared to occur during this period. This class of molecules became hardly detectable on the 15th day, and disappeared completely after the 16th day. Analogous spots were present in the heart, liver, and stomach of the embryos, although the increased sialylation was not observed in the liver. No adult organs so far examined showed these spots. On the other hand, two polypeptides (MW 55,000, pI 4.7, and 53,000, pI 4.6) appeared in the brain on the 13th day of gestation and persisted throughout the fetal period. After birth, they became hardly detectable. Furthermore, a spot (MW 48,000, pI 4.8) became newly detectable in the brain 4–5 weeks after the birth.