There is some misunderstanding, even yet, among certain of the profession with regard to the action of iodine in the various types of goiter. It is generally recognized that iodine in any form (we use aqueous solution of iodine, Lugol's solution, as a routine) causes a very beneficial response when used in exophthalmic goiter. This occurs practically without exception, but the iodine is especially useful in the preoperative treatment of exophthalmic goiter. We do find "iodine fast" cases of exophthalmic goiter or patients who have been overtreated with iodine. These patients, as a result either of a developed tolerance to iodine or of excessive overactivity of the thyroid, finally reach a stage at which their toxic symptoms fail to recede with iodine medication and may even progress. We do not know just how or why this occurs, but it does occur. To be entirely on the safe side, one should