The covariant theory of strong interaction symmetries

A classification of particles is suggested based on a Ũ (12) symmetry scheme. This is a relativistic generalization of the U (6) symmetry. The spin 1 2 and 3 2 baryons are each described by 20-component spinors which satisfy Bargmann-Wigner equations and belong to the 3̲6̲4̲ representation of the Ũ (12) group while the vector and p. s. mesons belong to the representation 1̲4̲3̲. The procedure for writing fully relativistic form factors is worked out in detail for baryon-meson and meson-meson cases. The new results are the following: (1) F C ( q 2 ) F M ( q 2 ) ∝ 1 + q 2 < 2 μ > m , Where F c and F M are (Sachs) electromagnetic form factors. (2) μ D = 1 + 2 m /< μ >, where < μ > is the mean mass of the 1 - multiplet and m the nucleon mass. (3) μ ρ,K* = 3. The conventional U (6) results can be recovered by projecting to the positive energy subspace in the rest system for each particle. To any irreducible representation of the U (6) there corresponds one irreducible representation of Ũ (12) and vice versa.