Integral-Transform Gaussian Functions for Heliumlike Systems

The one‐dimensional Laplace transform of the Gaussian exp (−r2x), g(r)=L{G(x)}=0e−r2xG(x)dx , was used to generate functions which could be useful as basis sets for atomic and molecular calculations. A particular choice of the weighting function G(x) led to functions of the form g(r) = (qr)νKν(qr), where Kν(qr) are modified Bessel functions of the second kind. These functions were used as basis functions for the helium isoelectronic series and accounted for 98.98% (H), 99.89% (He), 99.96% (Li+), 99.98% (Be++), 99.996% (O6+) of the Hartree‐Fock energy.