The size of the myofibers in mature grafts of the mouse extensor digitorum longus muscle

The histochemical profile of stabilized orthotopically grafted mouse extensor digitorurn longus muscles (EDL) and fiber type diameter distribution in the graft was compared with control muscles. Histochemical fiber typing, based on myofibrillar ATPase reactions, indicated that type 1 fiber accounted for < 1%, type 2a fibers for 30%, and type 2b fibers for 69% of the total fiber population of the graft. In control muscles of 56-day-old and 156-day-old mice, type 1 fibers accounted for <1%, type 2a fibers for 36%, and type 2b fibers for 63% of the total fiber population of normal muscles. The regenerating myofibers in stabilized grafts failed to achieve the normal fiber diameter. The type 2b fibers exhibited greater growth inhibition than did type 2a fibers.