"There are few words in the English language which have such a muliplicity of divergent meanings as the word sport." A detailed scrutiny of the substantial sociology of sport literature indicates that the problem of definition is one of the most basic and extensive, if highly contentious issues are to be found in the field. Despite the importance of the problem, debate continues, inaccurate and contra dictory statements abound, and consensus is largely absent. This paper attempts to overcome limited views to produce an adequate definition of sport, to locate its precise boundaries, and to ferret out its essential core. The research procedure consists of five major components: (1) a preliminary assessment of the requirements and difficulties of the task; (2) a systematic de lineation of the individual factors and characteristics deemed to be essential com ponents of the concept of sport in a rigorous scrutiny of more than fifty research studies which concern themselves, at least in part, with this task; (3) an extended, critical analysis of three major characteristics-the necessity and nature of physical skill or prowess, institutionalization, and the "play-game-sport" continuum; (4) the presentation of work towards an acceptable definition of sport; and (5) a differen tiation of the concept of sport from the concepts of play and game.

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