Milk production in Awassi and Hungarian Merino sheep in Iraq

SUMMARY: On the Abu-Ghraib Experiment Station, milk production was investigated in 31 Awassi ewes of different ages and 12 newly imported Hungarian Merino ewes, two years old, together with the effect of age, lactation period, number of lambs born and reared and stage of lactation on milk production in the Awassi ewes. The relationships between milk production, birth weight and weaning weight of lambs were also investigated.First-lactation milk yield during the suckling period (90 days) based on 12 h milking interval was 114·58 kg in the Merino and 75·29 kg in the Awassi.Age had no significant effect on milk production in Awassi ewes although first-lactation yield was lower than that from subsequent lactations. Ewes that produced and nursed twins gave significantly more milk than ewes that produced and nursed single lambs.Milk yield in Merino and Awassi ewes increased with the decrease of milking interval from 12 to 4 h. The correlation coefficients between milk yield during 12 and 4 h were positive and significant.Correlation coefficients between birth and weaning weights and milk production were positive in both breeds. The correlation coefficient between weaning weight and milk production was 0·78 in the Awassi (P P <0·05). The multiple correlation coefficient between weaning weight and birth weight and milk production was 0·67 in the Awassi and 0·43 in the Merino.