Overnight Hospitalization After Radical Prostatectomy

Changes in health care have prompted efforts to reduce length of hospitalization while maintaining quality care. Therefore, we evaluated short-term outcomes after radical retropubic prostatectomy on 100 consecutive men undergoing surgery for clinically localized prostate cancer performed under epidural anesthesia followed by epidural morphine or combined with spinal anesthesia using bupivacaine and fentanyl (25 micrograms) and followed by i.m. methadone (10-20 mg). All patients received oral acetaminophen and ibuprofen beginning 4 h after surgery. Length of hospital stay, responses to written satisfaction survey, postoperative morbidity and readmission to the hospital were recorded. Using either pathway, 83% of the patients were discharged after one night in the hospital. The mean hospital stay was 1.34 +/- 1.10 and 1.28 +/- 1.0 days, respectively. Although three men were rehospitalized, it was not because of the early discharge. More than 95% of patients were satisfied with pain control, and patients discharged after one night were not more likely to be dissatisfied than patients hospitalized longer. Both clinical pathways provide excellent anesthesia and analgesia and allow discharge 1 day after radical retropubic prostatectomy. Shortened hospital stay does not increase patient dissatisfaction or add to postoperative morbidity. Patients undergoing other pelvic and abdominal operations may also derive similar benefits using these pathways.