Using a procedure in which human sperm were allowed to fertilize zona-free golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) eggs in vitro, the sperm chromosomes of a man heterozygous for inv(3) (p1 1 q 11) were analyzed. When the chromosomes were Q-banded, the inverted chromosome had the bright centromeric band on the short arm rather than on the long arm, as was seen in the normal No. 3. One hundred and eleven sperm chromosome spreads were examined, of which 64 contained the normal chromosome and 47 the inverted one. This was not significantly different from the expected 1:1 ratio. No sperm containing a chromosome imbalance caused by a crossover within the inversion were seen. Ten (8.1%) of the sperm contained chromosome abnormalities unrelated to the inversion. The ratio of X- to Y-bearing sperm was 55:45.