Unusually high frequency of (CT)n and (GT)n microsatellite loci in a yellowjacket wasp, Vespula rufa (L.) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)

A high number of (GT)n and (CT)n microsatellites were isolated from a partial genomic library of a primitively eusocial wasp, Vespula rufa. On average, (GT)n and (CT)n repeats occur in the genome approximately every 8 kb and 2.5 kb respectively. This is the highest density of dinucleotide microsatellites reported in the literature. Predominant categories of repeats are imperfect and compound repeats for (GT)n microsatellites and perfect repeats for (CT)n microsatellites. Comparisons with other Hymenoptera and with mammalian species showed significant differences in the frequency distribution of these categories of repeats. Many (CT)n and (GT)n repeats are surrounded by various types of microsatellites, suggesting an associative distribution of short tandem repeats. A high level of intracolonial polymorphism is demonstrated with one microsatellite locus, showing that multiple mating of the queen occurs in V. rufa.