It is shown how to find bounds on nchk(N), the average of the k th power of the number of charged pions produced in the one-quantum annihilation e+eNπ. The second moment, k=2, is studied in detail, also in its dependence on information on the first moment, k=1. The lower bound for k=2 appears to be of an experimentally significant magnitude. The IG=0 bounds are much tighter than those for 1+. It is further shown that the optimal bounds can be violated if IG=1 and especially if 0+-2+ interference plays a sizable role (as may happen in the two-photon process). A brief comment on p¯p annihilation is also made, and an asymptotic (large N) formula is given for the upper bound of the neutral-to-charged pion ratio of a neutral system, for any pure isospin.