The use of gemeprost pessaries was compared in an open randomized trial with the extra-amniotic infusion of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) for the termination of pregnancy between 12 and 16 wk gestation. The success rates were 77 and 79% for the pessary and infusion group, respectively, and these rates were unaffected by parity. There was no significant difference in the cumulative abortion rate between the 2 groups, nor were their differences in the induction-abortion interval, nor in the time taken to the onset of pain or bleeding. Women in the pessary group required significantly less analgesia than those in the infusion group. Side-effects, experienced both during treatment and during the 6 wk after abortion, were similar in both groups. Gemeprost vaginal pessaries are an effective alternative to the extra-amniotic infusion of PGE2 for the termination of pregnancy in the early 2nd trimester.