Electron scattering by atomic hydrogen at intermediate energies. II. Differential elastic, 1s-2s and 1s-2p cross sections and 1s-2p electron-photon coincidence parameters

Intermediate energy calculations of elastic, 1s-2s and 1s-2p electron scattering by atomic hydrogen based upon intermediate energy R-matrix theory have recently been reported. The authors present the resulting elastic, 1s-2s and 1s-2p differential cross sections and 1s-2p electron-photon correlation parameters. Agreement with experiment is good for elastic scattering over the entire intermediate energy regime. However discrepancies exist between their n=2 results and experiment particularly below 20 eV where their results lie below the experimental data at small and large angles. For scattering angles less than 60' their results agree with 1s-2p electron-photon correlation measurements but significant differences exist for large-angle scattering at 54.42 eV.