HLA‐D typing in Austria. A panel study using 26 newly defined homozygous typing cells

A panel of 120 HLA‐A,‐B, ‐C and ‐DR typed Austrians has been typed for HLA‐D by the use of 26 Homozygous Tping Cells (HTC). The new Austrian HTC, partly defined by the 9th International Histocompatibility Workshop (9WS), partly by a checkerboard experiment with internationally well defined reference HTC, type for HLA‐Dw1 to ‐Dw7 and an obviously new, so far unknown HLA‐DR2 related HLA‐D determinant. Associations of HLA‐DR and HLA‐D antigens in Austria and their frequencies are determined. Antigen frequencies in Austria are compared to frequencies in other Caucasoid populations.