The effects of configuration interaction on hyperfine structure (hfs) are considered using second-order perturbation theory. Following a first paper which deals with lN configurations, this paper concerns the case of lN l' configurations. Effective operators, which describe the crossed second-order effects of electrostatic and hyperfine interactions, are given for all types of excitations. If N ≥ 2 and |l-l'| = 0 or 2, three-electron effective operators occur for excitations of the type l ←→ l'. The formalism is applied to the case of 3 dN 4 s configurations, for which tables of the Δl, ΔsC and Δ q factors are given. Comparisons with experimental results are given for the first series of transition metals ; elsewhere such comparisons are limited by the scarceness of experimental data available. An appendix indicates a few corrections to the first paper

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