Audiogenic Seizure‐Induced Changes in Energy Metabolites in Cerebral Cortical and Cerebellar Layers

Audiogenic seizure-prone mice (DBA/2J) were exposed to a broad band noise source. A reproducible response consisting of wild run, clonus and tonic stages resulted in all mice. Layers 1 and pyramidal from the parietal cortex as well as the molecular and Purkinje cell-rich layers from the cerebellar vermis were separately analyzed for glucose, glycogen, ATP and phosphocreatine. Results showed a biphasic cerebellar response, with decreases in high energy phosphates occurring during the wild run and tonic stage. In the cortex, similar changes occurred in the pyramidal cell layer, but the decreases were not as pronounced as those in the cerebellum. Cells from layer 1 of the parietal cortex were not affected as much as those of the pyramidal layer, suggesting a differential effect between neuronal and nonneuronal cell populations. The greater response of the cerebellum could indicate an attempt to reduce the severity of the wild run and the tonic extension seizure.