A Quantitative Procedure for Estimating Cotton Fiber Growth

An improved procedure for quantitation of cotton fiber development, the “stain-destain” method, is reported. Toluidine blue 0 was used to selectively stain fibers subsequently destained in an acid-alcohol solution. Absorbance of the dyecontaining destaining solution was used as a measure of fiber development, and expressed in terms of total fiber units (TFU), one OD unit at 624 nm having been assigned the value of one TFU. Optimum conditions for the procedure, including staining and destaining times and solution to ovule ratios were determined: (1) 20 ovules with associated fibers stained for 15 sec in 80 ml 0.018% toluidine blue O, (2) nonabsorbed dye removed by 60 sec wash, (3) ovuls destajned in 100 ml glacial acetic acid-ethanol-water (10:95:5), (4) absorbance determined after one hr destaining. The procedure is deemed accurate and precise for the purpose intended—quadtation of fiber development as modified by phytohormones or other treatments. Data are shown correlating TFU with fiber length through 14 days postanthesis and an example is given in which the method was used to determine the effect of combined application of gibberellic acid and indoleacetic acid on in vitro cotton fiber development.