Monoclonal Antibody to Embryonic CNS Antigen A2B5 Provides Evidence for the Involvement of Membrane Components at Sites of Alzheimer Degeneration and Detects Sulfatides as Well as Gangliosides

Immunohistological and biochemical studies were initiated to determine whether or not neural membrane components were associated with degenerative changes characteristic of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Monoclonal antibody A2B5, developed against embryonic chick retinal cells and previously shown to react with neural surface gangliosides, was applied to formalin‐fixed sections of control and AD brain tissue. Frontal cortex and hippocampus of AD cases exhibited high levels of A2B5 immunoreactivity within those neurons undergoing neurofibrillary degeneration. Neuritic processes associated with senile plaques were also highly reactive with the A2B5 antibody. The amount of gangliosides and their pattern after HPTLC were the same in control and AD cases. However, the unexpected observation was made that the A2B5 antibody reacted with human brain sulfatides in addition to the expected reactivity with minor gangliosides. The average level of sulfatides in AD brain was significantly higher than in normal controls. The data support the involvement of one or more membrane components with neu‐rodegeneration in the Alzheimer brain.