Field disposal of methyl parathion using acidified powdered zinc

The degradation of methyl parathion in soil with various amounts of acidified powdered zinc under field conditions was studied. Treatment was progressively more effective with increasing amounts of zinc. Disappearance of parent compound was followed for 2 1/2 years. The expected conversion product amino‐methyl parathion and its N‐methyl derivative were formed. In addition, N, N‐dimethyl amino, and the azo and azoxy condensation products were characterized by high resolution mass spectrometry. Aminomethyl parathion was shown to be identical to an authentic standard. The other specific positional isomers were considered likely, but were not proven by mass spectrometry. Structure elucidation was made with high resolution mass spectrometry, using the direct insertion probe, and with gas chromatography/low resolution mass spectrometry.