Urodynamic Consequences of a Direct Pyelocystostomy at Autotransplantation of the Kidney

The urodynamic consequences of renal autotransplantation and pyelocystostomy were studied in 17 male patients and 3 female patients. The indications of the procedure were urothelial tumor of the upper urinary tract, remaining outflow obstruction after conventional pyeloplasty and recurrent stones. The mean observation time was 31 mo. (range 3-50 mo.). The micturition flow rate was unchanged. There was an insignificant increase in residual urine. No evidence of any clinically significant disturbance of the sensory or motor bladder innervation or reduction of the functional bladder capacity was found. Urethrocystography showed transient dilatation of calyces at micturition. Urinary tract infections, when present, had the same pattern as preoperatively. Thus, autotransplantation of the kidney with a wide, direct pyelocystostomy is consistent with essentially normal urodynamics of the transplanted renal pelvis and the bladder.