Human Nephropathy Related to Ochratoxin a in Tunisia

Mycotoxins and the induced pathologies are becoming a word wide preoccupation and rise serious economic and sanitary problems. Tunisia as well is concerned, due to its climate, geographic situation, social and economic conditions of the population. Many data including ours, have previously shown the implication of some mycotoxins in specific and severe pathologies such as alimentary toxic aleucia, primitive liver carcinoma, nephropathy etc… In Tunisia a clear cut correlation has been found between the consuption of food contaminated by toxigenic fungi and specific pathologies. Our present study was focused on ochratoxin A, which is produced by moulds of Aspergillus genera. This mycotoxin which is always found in Tunisia since 1983, is invariably found in food survey. Thereby it is introduced in human blood and tissues. Since it is now established that ochratoxin A is the main causal agent of Balkan Endemic Nephropathy, we bring hereby evidences that this pathology does no longer concern the Balkans only. Tunisia appears to be a second hot spot of this desease in the world and evidences are given for the exclusive alimentary origin of the intoxication.