Correlation of Acid, Pepsin and Mucoprotein Secretion by Human Gastric Glands

The secretion of HC1, pepsin and mucoprotein may be dissociated in the fasting stomach. Hyperacidity was generally accompanied by hypersecretion of both pepsin and mucoprotein. Conversely, when no HC1 was present there was usually no mucoprotein although pepsin might be present in significant quantities. While pepsin and mucoprotein may be closely related in their chemical and physical properties the two are not identical but separate constituents of the gastric juice. Following central vagal stimulation of the intact stomach by intraven. admd. insulin, stimulation augmented secretion of all 3 products of the gastric glands. Diffuse inflammatory lesions or vagotomy prevented increased elaboration of any of the 3 products following insulin. Following subtotal gastric resection or antral gastritis, polyps or antral ulcers, insulin increased mucoprotein and/or pepsin without significant changes in acid secretion.