I investigated the immediate (<30s) reaction between bromcresol green and serum, as a measure of albumin content. Fifty sera were analyzed in duplicate for albumin by electrophoresis on cellulose acetate by a procedure previously shown to give results in good agreement with two immunoprecipitation techniques, and by a bromcresol green method with the absorbance being read as soon as possible after mixing. Results by the dye method were 3.0 g/liter higher than those by electrophoresis; this difference was independent of the albumin content of the serum. Slight turbidity, jaundice, or added hemoglobin did, not significantly interfere with albumin determination. Ap¬parently the immediate reaction between serum and the dye reagent provides a simple, reliable measure of albumin content when 3.0 g/liter is subtracted from the result ob¬tained.