Identification and Yield of 5.0-secPd117in the Thermal-Neutron Fission ofU235

As part of a study of nuclear charge distribution in the region of symmetric fission, evidence for the existence and cumulative fission yield of Pd117 was sought. Palladium was isolated free from silver and cadmium at different times after fission, and the quantity of descendant Cd117 activity produced was measured. A half-life for Pd117 of 5.00.7+0.5 sec was derived from these data. Through a comparison of Cd117 activity produced by Pd117 with the total Cd117 activity produced by all isobars, a cumulative fractional chain yield of 0.669 was computed for Pd117. From this yield the most probable nuclear charge Zp for the 117-mass chain was estimated.

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