Evolution Program for Design of Rectilinear Branched Networks

A new algorithm for designing the layout of rectilinear branched distribution networks is presented in this paper. The algorithm uses a binary solution-coding scheme that is similar to the type commonly used in genetic algorithms but employs two new operators, recombination and perturbation, instead of the common genetic algorithm operators of crossover and mutation; which, in the case of the layout design of rectilinear branched networks, generate infeasible solutions at an unacceptably high rate. An architecture based on evolution strategy is used to exploit the unique characteristics of the new operators. The method is demonstrated on a small problem and compared with a technique based on heuristics. Demonstration of the algorithm through its application to an example problem, and comparison of the results with those obtained from an established heuristic procedure indicate that the evolution program is able to generate better solutions than the heuristic technique.

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