Blood Volume, Body Water and Body Fat of the Horse

Blood volume determinations (using p32 labeled red cell method) are reported for 2 thoroughbred, 2 quarter, 1 Arabian, and 1 American saddlebred ("hot-blooded") horses and for 4 Percherons ("cold-blooded" breed). The blood volume expressed in cc/kg of fat-free body weight shows the "hot-blooded" horses to have greater blood volumes and total red cell volumes than the Percherons. Body water (measured using H3 labeled water) and body mass were determined, from which the body fat was calculated. Body water averaged 63.8% in the "hot-blooded" group and 55.2% in the Percherons. As a consequence, the average body fat was 12.8% in the first group and 24.5% in the Percheron. These findings are discussed with reference to published hematological findings and their possible significance to the characteristics of the breeds.