The course, relations and distribution of the inferior alveolar nerve and its branches in the cat are described. The nerves have been studied by dissection, histologically and by using electrophysiological techniques. Dissection revealed a basic pattern on which some individual variation was Superimposed. The inferior alveolar nerve has three branches Supplying thealveolar process (alveolar branches), one branch SUPPLying the canine and incisor region (caninelincisor branch) and four mental branches (posterior, mainand 2 anterior). Fibres Supplying the teeth were found in all except the mental branches. pulpal, periodontal and buccal gingival margin fibres from an individual tooth generally travelled together, but often in more than one branch. Branched axons Supplying both tooth pulp and an area of mental skin were found. The axons branched a t the point of separation of the appropriate mental nerve from the main trunk. A cutaneous midline overlap of 1–2 mm was found, but there was no transmedian innervation of tooth pulps.