Effects of Ethanol and Carbon Tetrachloride upon Vitamin A Status of Rats

The effects of ethanol and carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) upon tissue vitamin A, liver lipids, liver cytochrome P450 and hepatic morphology were investigated. It was anticipated that CCl4 treatment would have more severe effects upon vitamin A status because CCI4 provides greater hepatic injury than does ethanol. After a 2-week standardization feeding period, young male rats were divided into four groups. For 5 weeks one group of rats (n = 17) received ethanol in liquid diets (30% of calories) while another (n = 8) was exposed to CCI4 inhalation twice a week along with phenobarbital in the diet. All groups received the National Regulatory Commission recommended level for vitamin A. Comparison of ethanol and its pair-fed control group (n = 17) revealed: decreased hepatic vitamin A, no change in serum vitamin A, increased percentage of liver lipid, and cytochrome P450 with moderate fat accumulation in hepatocytes. Comparison of the CCI4 -phenobarbitol group with pair-fed controls (n = 8) showed: increased serum vitamin A, decreased hepatic vitamin A, increased cytochrome P4501 marked hepatic fat accumulation, hepatic cell necrosis, and early cirrhosis. Thus, CCl4, (with phenobarbitol), which is a more potent hepatotoxin as evidenced by a more elevated cytochrome P450 and distorted liver morphology, not only reduced liver vitamin A, but also increased serum vitamin A. The extent of substrate and/or organ specificity remains to be elucidated.