Longitudinal Evaluation of Durapatite Ceramic as an Alloplastic Implant in Periodontal Osseous Defects after 3 Years

Seven patients who participated in a clinical study comparing the response of periodontal osseous defects to either grafting with durapatite ceramic or debridement alone were followed under an active maintenance program for 3 yr. Comparison of mean values showed that gingival recession, attachment levels and probeable pocket depths remained essentially stable for durapatite sites over the 3 yr. Attachment level for debridement sites also remained constant, but these areas showed significant coronal migration of the free gingival margin and increases in probeable pocket depths. These latter changes became apparent and significant only after 3 yr. Intrapatient comparisons showed that recession and attachment gain were most frequently greater and pocket depths most frequently less for durapatite sites. Durapatite-treated sites were stable for 3 yr following surgery, while areas treated with debridement alone regressed.