Risiken und Perspektiven der Drogenabhängigkeit: Katamnese-Ergebnisse bei 100 Opiatabhängigen der Zugangsjahre 1969-1974

The further development of 100 young drug addicts of the opiate type (72 males, 28 females) who had been medically assessed by court or police order between 1969 and 1974 was evaluated over 10 to 15 years. Until the end of 1983 20 clients had died, 14 males and 6 females. The state of the survivors was separated into 5 categories according to drug dependency, rate of delinquency and assurance of income. 39 clients were free from injectable drugs. The abstinence rate was equal in males and females. The major part of these abstinent clients was fully rehabilitated, drug-independent for years, not delinquent and integrated into work. A minor part depended on external help. Three clients were not able to earn a living. Half of the 80 survivors had to be considered at risk. International comparison shows that the increased mortality among opiate addicts is only slightly different among western industrial nations. Perspectives of survivors are also similar. Despite different treatment and intervention strategies the abstinence ratio approaches 40% after the 30th year of life with an increasing tendency with increase of age. As the now already older clients usually decline in-patient care, however accept out-patient help promoting rehabilitation successfully ("path of rehabilitation"), promotion of ambulatory care decisively involving doctors is urgently required.

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