Elucidating halo structure byβdecay:βγfrom the11Li decay

4 págs.; 1 fig.; 2 tabs. ; PACS number(s): 23.40.Hc, 21.10.Pc, 21.60.Cs, 23.20.LvNew values for the γ ray intensities following the β decay of 11Li are presented. Special emphasis is put on the determination of the Gamow-Teller transition 11Li → 11Be (1/2-, 320 keV) to the only bound excited state in 11Be. We show that a shell-model calculation can simultaneously reproduce the half-life of 11Li and the newly measured branching ratio to the 1/2- state provided the 11Li ground state wave function contains about 50% of s-wave neutron components. ©1997 American Physical SocietyFinancial support for this study from the Spanish CICyT\ud (Contract AEN94-0833-C02-02) and DGICyT (Contract\ud PB93-263) and Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie\ud (contract No. 06DA665I) is gratefully acknowledged.Peer Reviewe

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