Longevity and fecundity of the aster leafhopper were unaffected by acquisition acess feeding on aster yellows mycoplasmalike organism (AY)-infected asters, on oat blue dwarf virus (OBDV)-infected oats or on AY- then OBDV-infected plants. Reproduction for all females with acquisition access feeding on AY-, OBDV-, AY then OBDV-infected plants or kept on healthy plants averaged 22.1, 21.9, 23.6 and 20.8 nymphs, respectively, in a total of 67 days of oviposition. Mean survival of all leafhoppers was 44.9, 45.1, 45.0 and 40.0% at 40 days after acquisition acess feeding on AY, OBDV, AY- then OBDV-infected or on healthy plants, respectively. Few leafhoppers in any group survived more than 95 days after acquisition access feeding. Analysis of the data suggested that interference between these pathogens in the aster leafhopper affected their transmission. Transmission means of 76.6 and 34.4% were observed for leafhoppers given 1 wk of acquisition access feeding on only AY- or OBDV-infected plants, respectively. Transmission means of 42.0 and 20.8% were observed for AY or OBDV, respectively, for leafhoppers that had acquisition access feeding on AY-infected plants for 1 wk, then OBDV-infected plants for 1 wk. Transmission means of 29.7 and 31.0% of leafhoppers transmitted AY or OBDV, respectively, when given similar acquisition-access feeding times on the reverse sequence of hosts. Few leafhoppers simultaneously transmitted both pathogens.