Experiments for the measurement of the Townsend coefficients for ionization by collision were performed on pure N2 and N2 contaminated with Na vapor and Hg vapor. Cathodes of Pt, Na, and Hg were used. Values of αp in N2 contaminated with Hg vapor agree with the values found by previous investigators using N2 of similar purity. With pure N2 at the lower pressures and higher Xp, the values were seventeen percent lower than the corresponding values in the Hg contaminated N2. At high pressure and low Xp, the curves differed by relatively little. With Na contamination which may have been accompanied by H2 contamination, a larger increase in αp was observed, which amounted at low pressure and high Xp to as much as twenty-four percent higher than the value for the pure N2. The high value of αp for Hg contaminated N2 is explained as being partly due to the direct ionization of Hg vapor atoms by electrons and partly being due to the action of metastable N2 molecules on Hg. Imprisoned radiation is probably not an important factor. Because of the low vapor pressure of the Na, the direct electron ionization and the ionization by metastable molecules can hardly be invoked to explain the increase in αp. One must conclude either that the vapor pressure of the Na at room temperature is far above the extrapolated values taken from tables, which is unlikely, or that H2 introduced in the distillation of Na or N2 make a volatile compound with Na under excitation or action of ultraviolet light. The shapes of the βp curves plotted as f(Xp) show abrupt rises at certain values of Xp, definite plateaus, and subsequent gradual increases. These effects have not been observed in previous investigations where Hg contamination predominates, those curves rising asymptotically. Greater significance attaches to the βα=γ=ηθgα curves, which in the case of Pt and Na rise abruptly from zero at a given Xp to a high peak, then fall abruptly and rise again gradually at higher Xp. The rise for the Pt electrode at Xp=60 is sharp and occurs at a much lower Xp than any previously observed when low electron current densities are used. The curve with the Na cathode rises at a higher Xp than that for Pt to a lower maximum and then, after a fall, rises again. This is surprising, in view of the fact that the Na surface has a far lower work function and far greater photoelectric efficiency than Pt. The sharp peak in pure N2 is ascribed to the action of radiation either via metastable molecules or by some other mechanism in liberating electrons from the cathode. In the presence of either Hg or Na vapor (possibly contaminated with H2), the metastable or radiative action is completely destroyed, the energy going to the ionization of the Hg or of the Na and H2 atoms, if present. In the case of Na, it is possible that only the lower energy states are destroyed so that some of the higher energy states are able to reach the Na cathode. Hence, the small peak at higher Xp with Na. Deducting the peaks leads to curves for Na and Pt and to a lesser extent Hg which intercept the axis at an Xp between 200 and 300. In this region, positive ions have an energy of the order of between two and five volts. Such ions can liberate secondary electrons from the cathode, and we have the effect of a true γ.