Volume ignition of laser driven fusion pellets and double layer effects

The realization of an ideal volume compression of laser-irradiated fusion pellets (by C. Yamanaka) opens the possibility for an alternative to spark ignition proposed for many years for inertial confinement fusion. A re-evaluation of the difficulties of the central spark ignition of laser driven pellets is given. The alternative volume compression theory, together with volume burn and volume ignition (discovered in 1977), have received less attention and are re-evaluated in view of the experimental verification by Yamanaka, generalized fusion gain formulas, and the variation of optimum temperatures derived at self-ignition. Reactor-level DT fusion with MJ-laser pulses and volume compression to 50 times the solid-state density are estimated. Dynamic electric fields and double layers at the surface and in the interior of plasmas result in new phenomena for the acceleration of thermal electrons to suprathermal electrons. Double layers also cause a surface tension which stabilizes against surface wave effects and Rayleigh–Taylor instabilities.