Baseline zinc content of soils and plants in Poland

Topsoils from Poland were analysed for total and extractable zinc, and for a range of major elements and selected soil properties. Plant samples from the same locations were also analysed for zinc content. The geometric mean concentrations of zinc in samples were (mg/kg dry weight): soil total-Zn, 45.9; soil extractable-Zn 3.1; grass, 30.0; dandelion-tops, 45.9; dandelion-roots, 23.2; oat-leaves, 20.0; oat-grains, 29.7; lichens, 111.5. Significant relationships were found for zinc in grass and extractable-Zn in soils as well as for zinc in lichens and both total and extractable Zn in soils. Zinc in soils varied for soil kinds and regions.