Effect of the pineal gland on circadian rhythmicity of colony forming units for granulocytes and macrophages (CFU‐GM) from rat bone marrow cell cultures

The present study provides evidence that the pineal gland has a physiological role in the proliferation of colony forming units for granulocytes and macrophages (CFU-GM). A biphasic circadian rhythm of CFU-GM proliferation in rat bone marrow cell cultures (BMC) from intact animals peaking at 0600 and 1800 was observed. Pinealectomy (Px) at 1600 obliterated the circadian rhythm patterns of CFU-GM. Afternoon injections of melatonin (1630, 20 (μg/per day for 10 days) to Px animals restored the rhythmicity. When pinealectomy was done at 0800, the morning peak remained unaltered and the colony number at 1800 was higher than that found in the afternoon Px animals. In conclusion, the pineal gland or its main hormone melatonin seems to have a regulatory role in the proliferation of CFU-GM in rat BMC. Further, the expression of the activity of CFU-GM in rat BMC depends on the time when pinealectomy is done or melatonin is substituted.