Measurements of Time-Dependent Energy Spectra of Beta Rays from Uranium-235 Fission Fragments

Previously, absolute measurements were reported for the time-dependent beta energy spectra from fission fragments for electron energies >0.75 MeV. The fragments were produced in the thermal-neutron fission of 235U. To obtain results for electron energies below 0.75 MeV and to provide overlap with the previous results, absolute measurements were made of the time-dependent energy spectra using an experimental system specifically designed for the electron energy range of 0.1 to 1.0 MeV.In this system, a vacuum chamber housed a thin plastic scintillator for the detection of the low-energy electrons, a source foil which was fissioned in a thermal-neutron beam, and a surface-barrier detector for the monitoring of the fission rate. The source foil consisted of 10.4 mg/cm2 of 235U covered and sealed to form a localized source of fission fragments. A deposit of 138 µg/cm2 of 235U on the outside of this foil facing the surface-barrier detector provided the fission fragments for the monitor. Electron energy ...