Comparison of amylolytic and proteolytic activities of ruminal fungi grown on cereal grains

Strains of the ruminal fungi Neocallimastixpatriciarum, Orpinomyces joyonii, and Piromyces communis were grown on cellobiose and on cereal grains and then examined for proteolytic and amylolytic activities. On cellobiose all three fungi displayed similar activities, with the exception of little amylolytic activity in the cell-associated fraction of N. patriciarum. Growth on the cereal grains barley, corn, and wheat showed differences in proteolytic and amylolytic activities amongst the ruminal fungi and between the cereal grains. The data suggest that while these fungi are capable of fermenting the cereal grains the mode of enzymatic attack varies both with the particular fungus and the type of cereal grain.Key words: Neocallimastix, Orpinomyces, Piromyces, cereal grain, amylolytic, proteolytic.

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