Unexpected partly dramatic temperature dependences were registered for the basic tunnel parameters used to characterize a Josephson junction. Measurements of the magnetic field variation of the microwave-power reflection, i.e., a mapping of the Josephson plasma resonance, enabled determinations of the rf small-voltage resistance RJ, the cosφ amplitude ζ, and the effective junction capacitance C in both Pb-O-Pb and PbTl-O-Pb junctions. The uncertainties in the parameter values are large, particularly in the low temperature values of ζ, for which we confirm earlier estimates of ζ, but as the superconducting transition temperature Tc is approached, ζ increases rapidly and goes through a positive maximum close to +1 before it decreases towards zero at Tc. Also, RJ displays a pronounced maximum in the same temperature interval; it decreases rapidly within a narrow range below the temperature of the maximum before it again increases slowly well below Tc. The location in temperature for the two maxima depends upon the barrier via the critical current density, but seems to be material independent. Well below Tc, the ratios of RJ to the normal-state tunnel resistance are also affected by the barrier transmission. These latter properties seem hard to explain within a model based only on the relaxation of the order parameters in the superconductors. A considerable decrease in C close to Tc can be explained by temperature-dependent surface losses in the junction electrodes. The Q-value associated with these could be determined as a function of temperature. In accordance with previous measurements, the Josephson current IJ is reduced at low temperature in small high-resistance tunnel junctions. Smaller deviations in IJ from theoretical estimates can be explained by strong coupling effects.