Assembly of the mitochondrial membrane system. Organization of yeast mitochondrial DNA in the Oli1 region

The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of a cytoplasmic petite mutant (DS401) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae genetically marked for the ATPase proteolipid, serine tRNA and varl genes has been characterized by restriction endonuclease analysis and DNA sequencing. The DS401 mtDNA segment is 5.3 kb long spanning the region between 79.1 and 86.8 units of the wild type genome. Most of the DS401 mtDNA consists of A+T rich sequences. In addition, however, there are ten short sequences with a high content of G+C and two sequences that have been identified as the ATPase proteolipid and the serine tRNA genes. The two genes map at 81 and 83 units and are transcribed from the same DNA strand. Even though there are other possible coding sequences in the DNA segment, none are sufficiently long to code for a gene product of the size of the varl protein. Based on the relative organization of the G+C rich clusters and genes, a model has been proposed for the processing of mitochondria) RNA. This model postulates the existence of mitochondrial double strand specific RNases that cleave the RNA at the G+C clusters.