TheclcElement ofPseudomonassp. Strain B13, a Genomic Island with Various Catabolic Properties

Pseudomonassp. strain B13 is a bacterium known to degrade chloroaromatic compounds. The properties to use 3- and 4-chlorocatechol are determined by a self-transferable DNA element, theclcelement, which normally resides at two locations in the cell's chromosome. Here we report the complete nucleotide sequence of theclcelement, demonstrating the unique catabolic properties while showing its relatedness to genomic islands and integrative and conjugative elements rather than to other known catabolic plasmids. As far as catabolic functions, theclcelement harbored, in addition to the genes for chlorocatechol degradation, a complete functional operon for 2-aminophenol degradation and genes for a putative aromatic compound transport protein and for a multicomponent aromatic ring dioxygenase similar to anthranilate hydroxylase. The genes for catabolic functions were inducible under various conditions, suggesting a network of catabolic pathway induction. For about half of the open reading frames (ORFs) on theclcelement, no clear functional prediction could be given, although some indications were found for functions that were similar to plasmid conjugation. The region in which these ORFs were situated displayed a high overall conservation of nucleotide sequence and gene order to genomic regions in other recently completed bacterial genomes or to other genomic islands. Most notably, except for two discrete regions, theclcelement was almost 100% identical over the whole length to a chromosomal region inBurkholderia xenovoransLB400. This indicates the dynamic evolution of this type of element and the continued transition between elements with a more pathogenic character and those with catabolic properties.