The Influence of Fat on the Sensory Properties, Viscosity, and Color of Lowfat Milk

A sensory panel was trained to assess appearance, aroma, flavor, and textural attributes of milk containing various per- centages,of fat. The relative viscosity and color of the milk were,also meas- ured. Milk appearance,had a profound effect on the perceived mouthfeel. There was a correlation of the L-value (white- ness), a-value (greenness), and b-value (blueness)0 to 2%. Panelists were given the samples under red lighting to mask,the milk color. Under these condi- tions, the perceived mouth coating, residual mouth coating, and thickness of 2% fat milk were decreased from,those of the same samples tested under normal light. Our results suggested,that a fat substitute for fat-free milk,needs,to change,the appearance,more,than the tactile attributes of the milk. A success- ful fat substitute should alter the color of