The collection of fossil corals from British Somaliland described in the following paper was made by Mr R. A. Farquharson, M.A., M.Sc., F.G.S., Government Geologist, during his survey of the country in 1923–24. The first known fossil coral from Somaliland was collected in 1894–95, and in 1898–99 a collection of Jurassic, Eocene, Oligocene, and Pleistocene corals was made by Mr and Mrs Lort-Phillips, Miss Cole, Mr Aylmer, Miss Gillet, and Captain Marshall, and described by Professor Gregory, F.R.S. In 1907 Mr T. W. Vaughan described some Pleistocene and Recent corals from French Somaliland. A further large collection of Jurassic, Oligocene, and Pleistocene corals was made by Mr B. K. N. Wyllie, B.Sc., and Dr W. R. Smellie, both geologists on the staff of the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, and described in 1925 by Professor Gregory.