Abstract— Nine seismic‐reflection profiles and four continuous core holes define the gross structural and stratigraphic framework of the outer rim of the Chesapeake Bay impact crater. The rim is manifested as a 90 km diameter ring of terraced normal‐fault blocks, which forms a ∼320 m–1200 m high rim escarpment. The top of the rim escarpment is covered by a 20 m–30 m thick ejecta blanket. The escarpment encircles a flat‐floored annular trough, which is partly filled with an ∼250 m thick breccia lens (Exmore breccia). The Exmore breccia overlies a 200 m–800 m thick interval of slumped sedimentary megablocks, which, in turn, rests on crystalline basement rocks. All postimpact strata (upper Eocene to Quaternary) sag structurally into the annular trough, and most units also thicken as they cross the rim into the crater. Postimpact compaction and subsidence of the Exmore breccia have created extensive normal faulting in overlying strata.