Structural organization of the rat gene for the arginine vasopressin-neurophysin precursor.

The rat arginine vasopressin‐neurophysin precursor gene has been isolated from a genomic library cloned in lambda phage Charon 4A. Restriction mapping and nucleotide sequence analysis demonstrated that the gene is 1.85 kilobase pairs long and contains two intervening sequences located in the protein coding region. Exon A encodes a putative signal peptide, the hormone arginine vasopressin and the variable N terminus of the carrier protein neurophysin, exon B encodes the highly conserved middle part of neurophysin and exon C its variable C terminus together with glycoprotein. Thus, the three functional domains of the percursor ‐ arginine, vasopressin, neurophysin, glycoprotein ‐ are encoded on three distinct exons.