Localization of the colchicine-binding site of tubulin.

We have previously shown that rat brain tubulin, a heterodimer consisting of an alpha and beta monomer, can be covalently labeled with [3H]colchicine by near UV irradiation. Most of the label appears in beta-tubulin. We show here that beta-tubulin can be separated and purified from SDS preparative gels and analyzed by proteolysis. Chymotrypsin yielded a labeled approximately 4-kDa band that contained two peptides. Tryptic digestion also yielded an approximately 4-kDa band containing two peptides. Sequence analysis revealed a peptide of residues 1-36 and 213-242 for chymotrypsin and a peptide of residues 1-46 and 214-241 for trypsin. To identify which peptide carried the label, limited hydrolysis of beta-tubulin was done with trypsin; this procedure yielded a labeled 16-kDa N-terminal peptide and a 35-kDa C-terminal peptide, as identified by antibodies. Isolation of these peptides and extensive digestion with trypsin yielded two labeled peptides corresponding to residues 1-46 from the 16-kDa N-terminal fragment and residues 214-241 from the 35-kDa C-terminal fragment. These results show that at least two regions in beta-tubulin are specifically involved in colchicine binding and that the span of the colchicine molecule, < or = 11 A, bridges these two regions in the native beta monomer.