Metabolic fate of radioiodinated heptadecanoic acid in the normal canine heart.

To clarify the metabolic fate of radioiodinated heptadecanoic acid in myocardium, the time course and distribution of the radioactivity over 131I-heptadecanoic acid, free radioiodide, and various lipids (with incorporated iodoheptadecanoic acid) were determined in normal canine myocardium. In 10 dogs seven biopsy specimens were taken over 30 min after injection of 131I-heptadecanoic acid. The radioactivity in the specimens increased until the fifth minute and decreased thereafter, with a half-time of 36 min. In the fifth minute, 61% of the radioactivity was free iodide, and its curve paralleled the curve of the total radioactivity. As early as the first minute 131I-heptadecanoic acid activity was reduced to 14% and decreased further. Activity of radioiodinated phospholipids, (mono, di, tri)-glycerides, and cholesterol-esters remained constant after an initial increase. These results indicate that immediately after uptake, 131I-heptadecanoic acid is either metabolized, liberating the radioiodide, or stored in lipids. Because the activity of radiolabeled lipids remained constant during the study period and because iodide activity paralleled the total activity in biopsy specimens, it is concluded that in normal myocardium, washout of free radioiodide determines the elimination rate as observed during a scintigraphic study. Thus the elimination rate cannot be related to the beta-oxidation rate as previously supposed.