Science and the ringing scheme: A prospective

The objectives of the BTO Ringing Scheme are reviewed. Annual ringing totals for many species are now adequate but for other species special catching techniques need to be developed to increase the annual total adequately. The national ringing totals are unlikely to provide a firm enough base for a population monitoring index but site‐related studies, particularly within the proposed Constant Effort Site scheme and in co‐operative studies, are likely to develop. Analysis of ringing recoveries by staff is increasingly likely to concentrate on the integration of ringing results with those of Nest Record and Common Birds Census Schemes, whilst developments in microcomputers and the availability of automated data banks at the BTO should encourage a revival of species‐orientated analyses by individual ringers. Major gaps in the spectrum of Ringing Scheme activities are the conducting of methodological research in the analysis of recoveries and in the provision of advisory and educational services for ringers.