Energy dependence of the fundamental parameters of theK0K¯0system. I. Experimental analysis

An analysis of K0 regeneration data from Fermilab in the energy range 30-110 GeV has been carried out to determine the KLKS mass difference Δm, the KS lifetime τS, and the CP-violation parameter η+. We find that the average values of Δm, τS, tanφ+, and |η+| at Fermilab energies differ from the accepted low-energy (∼5 GeV) values by approximately 4, 2, 3, and 9 standard deviations, respectively. As a consequence of the discrepancy between low-energy and high-energy values, an investigation of a possible energy dependence of the parameters was carried out. Using two different methods, the parameters were fitted to a form x=x0(1+bx(N)γN) where x is any of the parameters Δm, τS, |η+|, and tanφ+, γ=EKmK is the usual relativistic factor, and N=1 or 2. The resulting slope parameters bx(N) differ from zero by 0-4 standard deviations depending on the parameter and on whether the low-energy value is included. The details of the fits are presented here, and a discussion is also given of new experiments which could check and extend the present results.