In prediction (Wiener-, Kalman-) of a random normal process $\{X(t), t \in R\}$ it is normally required that the time $t_0$ from which prediction is made does not depend on the values of the process. If prediction is made only from time points at which the process takes a certain value $u,$ given a priori, ("prediction under panic"), the Wiener-prediction is not necessarily optimal; optimal should then mean best in the long run, for each single realization. The main theorem in this paper shows that when predicting only from upcrossing zeros $t_\nu$, the Wiener-prediction gives optimal prediction of $X(t_\nu + t)$ as $t_\nu$ runs through the set of zero upcrossings, if and only if the derivative $X'(t_\nu)$ at the crossing points is observed. The paper also gives the conditional distribution from which the optimal predictor can be computed.

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